Sonosphères III & IV Symfonia wrocławska na orkiestrę i elektronikę
Materiały wykonawcze:
Sonosphères III & IV Symfonia Wrocławska (Sonosphères III & IV Wrocław Symphony)
na orkiestrę i elektronikę
Zamówienie: Instytut Muzyki i Tańca / IRCAM
Premiera światowa: 17.05.2017
Sala Koncertowa Narodowego Forum Muzyki we Wrocławiu
Orkiestra Symfoniczna NFM
David Fulmer, dyrygent
Sébastien Naves RIM/IRCAM – live electronics
Nagranie: NFM
Wydawca: PWM
A stunning and original work for Orchestra and Electronics – rare is it to see and hear the intricate and elegant synthesis between man and machine. Sikora’s inventive vision is superbly executed here – a tone poem symphonic work filled with lyricism, exacting contrapuntal designs, and timbral brilliance. Sikora’s sensitive architecture of the orchestral instruments and electronic composite wove together with precision and beauty. This was one of the most exciting world premiere performances of a new work for large orchestra.
/David Fulmer, Conductor; NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic, July 2017/